Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Still Waiting...

I thought I'd blog when Jack came, but, as he's not ready yet, I think I better write now! I've been enjoying Mom's visit so much. She cooks and does dishes and helps with Emma, and we have long talks during naptime. It's very nice. We're both sad that every day that passes without Jack is one less day he'll be held by his Grammy, but with chocolate and fortitude we're getting over that reality. I really was so convinced that he'd come early, so I'm feeling impatient. A due date has a two week margin of error, before or after, but the docs start to get antsy when you are late. Then there's the threat of inducing labor if you miss their deadline (based on a pretty wide estimate to begin with). I hope my mid-wife takes a different approach if we get to that point. I'm feeling the pressure!
Soon I'll post some pictures of Emma that Mom has taken.

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