Saturday, October 16, 2010

And another thing...

Now that Emma is at music class I can write a little more. When I went to the hospital on Friday Jack gave me a big smile. Then when I was bouncing him on the bed, he laughed his funny laugh, like a little squeak! And that's after only one day of the decreased dose! I'm so glad to be done with the steroids. Next we'll try Sabril. If that doesn't work we'll try Prednisone. If that doesn't work, we'll put him on the ketogenic diet. I think Emma will get her fun momma back and I can stop being a martyr for my children. I am hopeful that I will get back to my "Couch to 5K" program this next week. Before I got pregnant with Jack, I got up to week 3. Then my energy level dropped and I lost the motivation to exercise. A few months after he was born, I got up to week 6. I may not have to start all over this time and I'll definitely reach the 5K mark at week 9 and keep it up after that. It will be nice to have 30 minutes to myself in addition to the endorphin high from exercising. Let me go put Jack down for a nap, he's falling asleep here. Just know that we are doing better and feeling hopeful.

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